Summer, fresh fish at the table between apps and grandma’s tips

ROME – From technology to grandmother’s advice, everything is needed to ensure at the table the freshness of fish, molluscs and shellfish. At a time of year where, as always, consumption increases, Fedagripesca Confcooperative takes the field, noting that for two Italians out of three it is precisely doubts about freshness that slow down purchases in the shopping cart.
The association is the sworn enemy of these products, because it accelerates the decay, also due to a thermal shock that occurs when the fish are removed from the fresh and deep waters of the sea and brought to the ground where are high temperatures.
According to the association, it is enough to follow a few simple rules to buy fresh fish, also passing through the app ‘Che pesce sono?’. And therefore prefer trusted stores, opt for unprocessed products to prevent spices and sauces from covering unpleasant smells. In fact, whole fish is better than filleted, because its state can be understood from the eye to the gills. Green disc, therefore, with hard meat, bright eye, scales well adherent to the body and red gills.
But if the senses are not enough, the free application on smartphone developed by the association, which allows you to have information on seasonality, scientific and commercial name, minimum marketable size, fishing methods, morphological characteristics and nutritional qualities. An indispensable freshness-saving tool which, according to the association, should be accompanied by the obligation for vendors and restaurateurs to make the catch date of the product visible. An information that would like to have 75% of Italians, notes Fedagripesca, who today, despite being provided by the fisherman, is lost along the supply chain.